Sunday, September 16, 2012

Eleven Miller Countdown

Eleven..days or so since we began school again.  Sonja began taking Latin class at the Ginters...very proud of this milestone.  Also began Circus Arts class...includes walking on the tightrope and hanging by the silks.

Ten...toes to step on when Linnea and I went to International Folkdancing at the Fermi Lab barn this week.  Did you know that international folkdancing included the song and motions to Carwash? 

Nine...Jackson's jersey number on the Walther Lutheran football team.  Yesterday was his first game suiting up and we were wondering if he would get any playing time.  He started out on the special teams returning the kicks.  (I apologize if I don't have some of the terminology right...I'm not much of a football afficionado.) He made a couple of tackles and by the second half of the game was put on defense...where he made an interception and ran in for a touchdown!  We are proud of Jackson for attempting football his senior year with no prior experience.  Way to go! 

Eight...hours a week that Annaliese is spending at the gymnastics center.  She is on level five and really motivated.  Her coaches love her determination and hard work.  I help out at the gym as part of a work exchange program. 

Seven...subjects that Emma is taking now that she is a high school student.  Her favorite subject is writing.  We are using a program called One Year Adventure Novel; she should have a complete book written by spring.  I'm hoping she'll let you read it some day!  If you ever see her wandering aimlessly around the yard, she is actually planning out her plot.  

Six...days that Luke spent in Salem, Massachusetts, this week.  He attended vibration training; he is being groomed as the vibration specialist at his job with Grundfos.  The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Five...days a week that Bridget walks Inka, her favorite dog in the world.  Bridget is also still helping out at Urban Ministries and with the middle school youth group.  Kids and pets all love Bridget!

Four...years that we've dropped Logan off at college.  This year wasn't as sad because I knew it was the last year I'd be taking him down to Champaign.  Logan is a small group leader for his church this year; his group has 10 new students in it, which is a big responsibility.  He also won the amazing race for the 3rd year in a row and has begun his Ultimate Frisbee season again. 

Three...days since Jay had dinner with Sofie and Chad in Virginia.  She has just begun her master's degree program at George Washington University.  She is busy with school, work and friends.

Two... weeks since Jay went on his backpacking trip to Isle Royale with his church buddies.  They had a fabulous time, despite the multiple blisters on the feet.  Beautiful pictures to follow.

One...grateful mom and wife!  What a wonderful family!


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